Thursday, September 27, 2018

Facebook is planning to change Stories, and you may not like it?

Social networking giant Facebook has announced that it is going to monetize its 24-hour ephemeral Stories it runs on its platform by allowing businesses to place ads. Mark Zuckerberg-led firm is already testing ads with brands including iHeartRadio, Kettle Chips and KFC and has claims thates ad campaigns as 62% of people said they became more interested in a brand or product after se they have "seen brand lift from their Facebook Storieing it in a story."

Facebook cited the data of its more than 300 million daily users of Facebook Stories and Messenger Stories and said, "An Ipsos survey of stories users commissioned by Facebook IQ found that 68% of people say they use stories on at least three apps regularly, and 63% plan to use stories more in the future."

"Facebook Stories ads support every objective that's currently available for Instagram Stories ads, including reach, brand awareness, video views, app install, conversion, traffic and lead generation. Facebook’s full suite of targeting and measurement capabilities is also available for stories ads across platforms."
For those unaware, the company rolled out ads on Instagram's Stories last year and Facebook's ads will work similar to that of Instagram's.
acebook-owned Instagram has been undergoing a lot of changes since the past couple of months with the photo-sharing app introducing itsy bitsy features to enhance the experience of its billions of users.

But now, according to a report by The Verge, Instagram is working on a new feature that "company executives have long resisted for fear it would corrupt the personal nature of the app."
According to the report, Instagram is working on introducing a way to re-share posts from other accounts to your own feed. Currently, in order to that, users have to download third-party apps. Allegedly being called “seamless sharing,” the feature is said to available in the app in the menu option that appears in the top-right corner of every post in the feed. Users can use this by tapping on “share to feed.” Once re-shared, the posts will appear in the feed below the username and photo of the user who shared it.

Screenshots obtained by The Verge revealed this for a business accounts offering merchandise for sale. "It seems possible that Instagram might limit the ability to re-share posts to businesses, which would be less likely to post misinformation and other unwanted content into the feed," said The Verge.

So far, Instagram has not said anything on the presence of the re-sharing feature for its app.

Facebook Stories available for PagesAlmost one year back in October, announced that is going to soon roll out the feature to use Stories for all pages, including brands, news publishers, athletes, entertainers and non-profits.

Facebook Stories adds group chat and reactionsFacebook Stories also rolled out new feature to allow users to interact with them. This includes tagging people in a reply and even post stickers in it. Users now see the option to tag other friends in their list while replying to a Facebook Story. This creates a new group thread inside Facebook Messenger. A user posting the story will be able to see the replies without leaving the app.

Access Stories

There are two ways that a user can view Facebook Stories. First by scrolling to the top of the feed, the users are able to view your friends' Stories and create a story. Second, swipe right from any screen on the Facebook app. Users can't "like" Stories, but can reply to them.


If users post a story to a timeline it will appear at the top of the profile as if it were any other picture or video. And just like posting to a Timeline, users can decide who sees it (Public, Friends and so on).But posting to a "Story" will make it available to all friends for a 24-hour period and will appear as a bubble at the top of their feeds. Right now, there's no way to select who sees -- or doesn't see -- a Story. Users can see who screenshots the content by clicking on the story and scroll to the bottom. To delete a story, go to the bottom right of the screen and click view icon tab and can delete a story by pressing on the buttons on the three dots at the top

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